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  • 60 Overhead squats male/back squats female 55kg (1 athlete working at a time)
  • 50 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm)
  • 50 One arm OH static DB Lunges all 3 sync (22.5/15kg)
  • 40 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm)
  • 40 Overhead squats male/back squats female 55kg (1 athlete working at a time)
  • 30 Alternating pistols over hurdle (sync)
  • Sprint to finish

At the call of 3,2,1…go, one athlete will commence the 60 squats using the same bar – males will perform overhead squats and females will perform back squats (team mates can assist putting the bar on the females back if necessary). Only one athlete is working at a time and there is no minimum work requirement.

On completion of the 60 reps for advanced all 3 athletes will perform 50 hurdle jump overs with all 3 athletes jumping over the hurdles at the same time. Jumps are to be performed with a 2 foot jump and 2 foot landing – no bunny hops allowed. The athletes will then do 50 static lunges holding one dumbbell overhead. The athletes must lunge forward with the knee making contact with the ground at the same time and then standing up tall at the same time for the rep to count.

All 3 athletes will then perform 40 hurdle jump overs with all 3 jumping over the hurdles at the same time and then move back to the squats (40 for advanced) with one athlete working at a time.

Advanced teams final movement is 30 sync alternating pistols over the hurdle. All 3 athletes will perform a pistol on one side of the hurdle, stand tall to full lock out and jump over the hurdle at the same time. Athletes can put their foot down after the pistol to perform the jump and land on the other side with two feet. They will then pistol with their other leg and jump back over the hurdle. Intermediate are only required to do 20 sync hurdle jump overs as previously performed.

At the completion all three athletes will sprint to finish at which time their time will be recorded. Should they fail to finish their total number of reps will be recorded.



  • 50 Overhead squats male/back squats female 40kg (1 athlete working at a time)
  • 50 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm)
  • 40 One arm OH static DB Lunges all 3 sync (22.5/15kg)
  • 40 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm)
  • 30 Overhead squats male/back squats female 40kg (1 athlete working at a time)
  • 20 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm)
  • Sprint to finish

At the call of 3,2,1…go, one athlete will commence the 50 squats using the same bar – males will perform overhead squats and females will perform back squats (team mates can assist putting the bar on the females back if necessary). Only one athlete is working at a time and there is no minimum work requirement.

On completion of the 50 reps all 3 athletes will perform 50 hurdle jump overs with all 3 athletes jumping over the hurdles at the same time. Jumps are to be performed with a 2 foot jump and 2 foot landing – no bunny hops allowed. The athletes will then do 40 static lunges holding one dumbbell overhead. The athletes must lunge forward with the knee making contact with the ground at the same time and then standing up tall at the same time for the rep to count.

All 3 athletes will then perform 40 hurdle jump overs with all 3 jumping over the hurdles at the same time and then move back to the 30 squats with one athlete working at a time.

The final movement is 20 sync hurdle jump overs as previously performed.

At the completion all three athletes will sprint to finish at which time their time will be recorded. Should they fail to finish their total number of reps will be recorded.



  • 50 1 arm DB squats all 3 sync @ 22.5/15kg
  • 50 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm)
  • 40 One arm OH static DB Lunges all 3 sync (15/10kg)
  • 40 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm)
  • 30 1 arm DB squats all 3 sync @ 22.5/15kg
  • 20 hurdle jump overs all 3 sync (30cm) Sprint to finish

At the call of 3,2,1…go, all 3 athletes will commence the 50 squats holding on to one DB anyway. All 3 athletes need to be at the bottom of the squat at the same time and standing tall with knees locked out at the same time for the rep to count.

On completion of the 50 reps all 3 athletes will perform 50 hurdle jump overs with all 3 athletes jumping over the hurdles at the same time. Jumps are to be performed with a 2 foot jump and 2 foot landing – no bunny hops allowed. The athletes will then do 50 static lunges holding one dumbbell overhead. The athletes must lunge forward with the knee making contact with the ground at the same time and then standing up tall at the same time for the rep to count.

All 3 athletes will then perform 40 hurdle jump overs with all 3 jumping over the hurdles at the same time and then move back to the squats with all 3 athletes working in sync.

The teams final movement is 20 sync hurdle jump overs as previously performed.

At the completion all three athletes will sprint to finish at which time their time will be recorded.  Should they fail to finish their total number of reps will be recorded.

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