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Synchronised Clean & Jerk (M/F) 60kg/40kg

Each pairing completes the reps
1:1 style

*1 minute transition


1RM Clean (power or squat) (Score is each athlete’s heaviest lift combined)

At the call of 3,2,1…go, MF1 will commence the 10 synchronised clean & jerk at the prescribed weight.  On completion, MF1 will run back to the start mat and MF2 will run out and perform the 10 clean & jerk.  Once MF2 return to the start mat, MF1 will run out and complete 8 clean & jerks followed by MF2 who will also perform the 8 clean & jerk. The pairs will follow in this manner, running back to the start mat after each set, until 6, then 4, then 2 reps are performed.  A good rep is when both athletes are locked out at the top of the jerk.

There is a time cap of 6 minutes for Part A.  Should the teams not finish within the time cap, the completed reps will be recorded. The time for PART A will be used as a tiebreak.

At the 6 minute mark there will be a 1 minute transition in readiness for Part B.

Part B comprises of 7 minutes to find each athlete’s heaviest 1RM clean.  These can be power or squat cleans. Females will use the 15kg bar and males will use the 20kg bars.  Only one athlete is to lift at a time and can lift in any order.

Once bars are loaded, the weight cannot go down. If an athlete fails a lift, they are able to attempt the failed weight, or even a higher weight if desired, as many times as they like however if they are unsuccessful their last successful lift will be their score.

Should a lift commence right before the 14 minutes, the athlete is allowed to finish that lift as long as the bar is in motion when the time is capped.

The score for Part B is each athlete’s heaviest lift combined.



Synchronised Clean & Jerk (M/F) 50kg/35kg

Each pairing completes the reps
1:1 style

*1 minute transition


1RM Clean (power or squat) (Score is each athlete’s heaviest lift combined)

At the call of 3,2,1…go, MF1 will commence the 10 synchronised clean & jerk at the prescribed weight.  On completion, MF1 will run back to the start mat and MF2 will run out and perform the 10 clean & jerk.  Once MF2 return to the start mat, MF1 will run out and complete 8 clean & jerks followed by MF2 who will also perform the 8 clean & jerk. The pairs will follow in this manner, running back to the start mat after each set, until 6, then 4, then 2 reps are performed.  A good rep is when both athletes are locked out at the top of the jerk.

There is a time cap of 6 minutes for Part A.  Should the teams not finish within the time cap, the completed reps will be recorded. The time for PART A will be used as a tiebreak.

At the 6 minute mark there will be a 1 minute transition in readiness for Part B.

Part B comprises of 7 minutes to find each athlete’s heaviest 1RM clean.  These can be power or squat cleans. Females will use the 15kg bar and males will use the 20kg bars.  Only one athlete is to lift at a time and can lift in any order.

Once bars are loaded, the weight cannot go down. If an athlete fails a lift, they are able to attempt the failed weight, or even a higher weight if desired, as many times as they like however if they are unsuccessful their last successful lift will be their score.

Should a lift commence right before the 14 minutes, the athlete is allowed to finish that lift as long as the bar is in motion when the time is capped.

The score for Part B is each athlete’s heaviest lift combined.



Synchronised Clean & Jerk (M/F) 40kg/30kg

Each pairing completes the reps
1:1 style

*1 minute transition


1RM complex of:

1 x Hang clean (power or squat)

1 x Front squat (Score is each athlete’s heaviest lift combined)

At the call of 3,2,1…go, MF1 will commence the 10 synchronised clean & jerk at the prescribed weight.  On completion, MF1 will run back to the start mat and MF2 will run out and perform the 10 clean & jerk.  Once MF2 return to the start mat, MF1 will run out and complete 8 clean & jerks followed by MF2 who will also perform the 8 clean & jerk. The pairs will follow in this manner, running back to the start mat after each set, until 6, then 4, then 2 reps are performed.  A good rep is when both athletes are locked out at the top of the jerk.

There is a time cap of 6 minutes for Part A.  Should the teams not finish within the time cap, the completed reps will be recorded. The time for PART A will be used as a tiebreak.

At the 6 minute mark there will be a 1 minute transition in readiness for Part B.

Part B comprises of 7 minutes to find each athlete’s heaviest complex of of one unbroken hang clean and one front squat. The clean can be power or squat cleans.  Should the athlete choose a squat clean, they will be required to perform another squat for the front squat portion of the complex. Females will use the 15kg bar and males will use the 20kg bars.  Only one athlete is to lift at a time and can lift in any order.

Once bars are loaded, the weight cannot go down. If an athlete fails a lift, they are able to attempt the failed weight, or even a higher weight if desired, as many times as they like however if they are unsuccessful their last successful lift will be their score.

Should a lift commence right before the 14 minutes, the athlete is allowed to finish that lift as long as the bar is in motion when the time is capped.

The score for Part B is each athlete’s heaviest lift combined.

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